Monday, June 11

random knitting post: commence now.

so, yeah. just a quick note on my knitting. since i know you're all dying to hear about me with two sticks and some string. we'll return to your normally scheduled baby blogging very soon.

i'm working on a pair of fingerless motorcycle gloves, in red merino. they're for a christmas present, but they're so soft, i want to keep them for myself. sigh.
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and i'm also working steadily on a lace scarf out of sock yarn, also destined to be a christmas present. with the way i'm slowly knitting it, christmas might be pushing it.

and oh yes. i'm preplanning for the garden at the new house. i'm growing only heirloom varieties, which even though they're not genetically modified to be resistant to drought, disease, etc, with research, you can find varieties that naturally will be. i'm looking forward to growing tomatoes, making my own spaghetti sauce, making salsa, and getting to pick the veggies for dinner at lunchtime. and while i'm sure i'm ambitious for a beginning gardener, i feel like with enough preparation, i can't fail. so, when the spring hits, and i'm besieged with junebugs, or it turns out i have a black thumb, someone remind me of my optimism. oh. and the savings will be nice for our grocery budget. too bad it's expensive to get started... but after this first year, i'm going to save my seeds, eliminating the need to reorder seeds, unless i want to try something new.

family reunion for spencer's side of the family was today, i have some cute pics of zoe meeting more extended family. aunt allie and uncle buzz are in town, and we're getting together tomorrow at ellen and gregs for dinner, and then we're all going to lori's house on tuesday for coffee and what not. by the way, i'd like to give a shoutout to lori.

happy birthday woman. you're the best sister in law that i could have ever asked for, and i'm thankful the Lord put you in my life. i hope you start feeling better! (her birthday was technically the 9th, but it still counts. and yes, i did wish her happy birthday on her actual birthday.)

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