Friday, June 29

the girly

never underestimate the power of salivaright before saying "mommmaoomomm"
happy to be in her playpen
i'm starting her early, she's got to love cakes as much as i do
snickerdoodle cake sounded good to her
she's as excited about my pantry as i am!
the view of the retaining wall out to the driveway
our fireplace... it's going to be 18 feet tall
the front door, the dining room, and a bit of the upstairs
yummy books
she's tasting everything now
woo hoo! i wanna go fast!
see! she does have hair! it's just see through.
more invisible hair
dad, how do you grow a beard?
another important rule of the road, how to honk a horn
and if i dump the clutch, and do what again?
zoe learns the importance of hand placement on the steering wheel
time to go to bed

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