the big two-oh. zoë turned 2 on monday, with all the pomp and circumstance we could muster for a very busy bee of a toddler. i made 2 types of cupcakes, chocolate, and strawberry. in honor of her birthday falling on groundhog day, i also made a dozen candy groundhogs to sit on top of her cupcakes. she got to eat a whole cupcake, frosting and all. it was her first dessert that she didn't sneak. and the cranberries at thanksgiving don't really count as a dessert.
her stomach was not to pleased with all the sweetness, and the morning after was not pretty. needless to say, i'll spare you the details.
we ate a thai style peanut butter pork roast, garam masala brown butter green beans, broccoli with oyster sauce, and basmati rice. if i had been really planning, i would have done a lemongrass limeade, but the party was kinda hastily thrown together, because of scheduling issues. it was much more low key than i would have liked to do, but it's okay. next year, maybe we'll have more toddler friends, and can do something more "birthday party" like. i think in some ways i'm being too idealistic. i know all zoë really cared about was that most of her family was present, and she got to open presents.
i'm about to upload a ton of video to our youtube page, so make sure you click the video link to the left. it's the picture of zoë, right underneath the "about the writer"
zoë got an ikea gift card from grammie and mimi, money from great grandma and great grandpa squier, money from aunt debbie (which purchased the really cute hello kitty play tent and plate set), a big ball and a mrs. potato head from brent and michelle, a really sweet little lunchbox set from aunt lori, a barney dvd and a tea set from aunt allie and uncle buzz, a very practical bag of underwear (for the glorious day we're finally done with potty training) and a drum set (not so practical, but the big hit of the night) from grandma and grandpa mills. we're still waiting on our gift to arrive via amazon, but it's a set of nature dvds, the BBC version of the planet earth series, with the blue planet series included. i could have gone with the sigourney weaver narration, but i think a british accent (ala Sir David Attenborough) sounds awesomer.
so without cluttering these posts with unnecessary talking, here's the big girl. who is such a little chatterbox. if you ever want to talk to her on the phone, she would LOVE to talk to you. so give the girl a call. :)